[研習活動] Astrobiology Online Training School RED’21 (2021/Jun/21-25)

The Training School RED’21  «  Rencontres Exobio pour Doctorants/Astrobiology Introductory Course »  will be organized on line from June 21st to June 25th, 2021:


Lectures will be given in English. The 2021 school will be held online due to the current sanitary conditions.

This meeting is addressed to:

– Any student preparing his PhD thesis in Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry,
Biology or History/Philosophy of sciences in France or any other

– Any students or young scientist wishing to acquire an
interdisciplinary training in astrobiology to complete their initial
training and to be able to address issues about the origins of life on
Earth, its evolution and its distribution in the Universe.

The program of RED’21/Astrobiology Introductory Course is complementary
to that of RED’19, however it is not necessary to have followed it to
participate in this new school.

Registration is free but mandatory.