Mini-workshop on Kronian Moons and Rings

Center of Astronomy and Gravitation, National Taiwan Normal University

This workshop aims to bring together some domestic researchers working on topics related to the moons and rings of Saturn. Everybody interested in Saturnian systems or planetary systems in general is welcome to participate.

The mini-workshop consists of short presentations and discussion sessions during the two mornings. The focus will be on the rings and satellites of Saturn.

December 5-6 2023

S801-2 Gongguan Campus, National Taiwan Normal University

Onsite participation only. Please register before 12/03.

Travel and accommodation support can be provided for domestic participants if needed, with priority given to students. Please contact organizers directly by email to briefly indicate your situation.


This event receives financial supports from the Higher Education Sprout Project (iCAG, NTNU, MoE), Yushan Fellow Program (MoE), and Einstein Program (NSTC)


Yueh-Ning Lee (NTNU; Chair)

Wei-Ling Tseng (NTNU)

Ian-Lin Lai (NCU)

Heng-Ting Chen (NTNU)

Yung-Chuan Chen (NTNU)

Jia-Jing Lin (NTNU)

Hsiao-Shu Tseng (NTNU)


Day 1 – 2023/Dec/05

 Session A (Chair: Yueh-Ning Lee 李悅寧)
09:40-10:00Chen-Yen Hsu 許臻讌: Zonal Wind-driven Current Systems at Outer Planets
10:00-10:20Yi-Jehng Kuan 管一政: Origins of Neutral Gas Close to Saturn II
10:20-10:40Ian-Lin Lai 賴彥霖: Painting Iapetus black
 Session B (Chair: Maxime Lombart)
11:00-11:20Melaine Saillenfest: Saturn’s spin-axis tilt and the age of its rings
11:20-11:40Rhali Attar: Uncovering the mysteries of Titan’s methane-based hydrological cycle
11:40-14:20Lunch Break
14:20-15:20 (S101)

[CAG-ES joint colloquium] Ryuki Hyodo 兵頭龍樹 (JAXA, Japan)

Planet formation and JAXAs future explorations

15:30-17:30Discussion Session

Day 2 – 2023/Dec/06

 Session C (Chair: Ian-Lin Lai 賴彥霖)
09:30-09:50Wei-Ling Tseng 曾瑋玲: Interactions between Saturn’s upper atmosphere and its main rings
09:50-10:10Wing-Huen Ip 葉永烜: Painting the Saturnian ring white
10:10-10:30Pei-Chun Tsai 蔡沛均: The radiolysis of Mimas and other icy moons
 Session D (Chair: Wei-Ling Tseng 曾瑋玲)
10:50-11:10Ryuki Hyodo 兵頭龍樹: Why do Saturn’s rings look clean?
11:10-11:30Yueh-Ning Lee 李悅寧: Origin of neutral gas with peculiar velocity in the Saturn E ring
11:40-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 (S101)

[CAG-MATH joint colloquium] Melaine Saillenfest (Observatoire de Paris, France)

Coevolution of moons and the spin axis of their host planet

15:30-17:30Discussion Session